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Julian March

Consultant, storyteller, creator

Leadership dilemmas

Charisma vs Constancy

What's more powerful in a leader? Extroverted energy or the dullness dividend from measured head?

Charisma vs Constancy

Communication vs Constipation Pt1

No.12 in my series of leadership dilemmas - this one's a rant against clamming up

Communication vs Constipation Pt1

Communication vs Constipation Pt2

Part 2 of this particular leadership dilemma, and this time I focus on building the right environment for 2-way comms within your teams

Communication vs Constipation Pt2

Data vs Instinct

What should leaders lean more towards, the numbers or their gut feeling?

Data vs Instinct

Deliberate vs Do

What's the right mix of thinking and action? Spoiler alert - it's all about 3 D's

Deliberate vs Do

Do it in-house vs Go outside

The leadership dilemma examines the pros and cons of doing everything yourself inside your business versus seeking external help

Do it in-house vs Go outside

Equality vs Fairness

A tricky leadership dilemma this one - treating people equally versus treating them fairly

Equality vs Fairness

Hype vs Pragmatism

If you're courting investors, is it better to wow them with big promises, or be more conservative and reliable?

Hype vs Pragmatism

Loyalty vs Talent

Who do want more in your team - staunch loyalists no matter what, or colleagues who aren't afraid to challenge?

Loyalty vs Talent

Strategy vs Adaptability

What place does a 5-year plan have in this amazingly volatile time?

Strategy vs Adaptability

Support vs Challenge

When's the right time to push someone and when is it better to give them some support?

Support vs Challenge

Troubadour vs Talisman

No.14 in my series of leadership dilemmas. What does your team need more - someone who can rev them up, or a talent whisperer?

Troubadour vs Talisman
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